January Meeting Roundup!

Liverpool Speakers Club got our year off to a great start, with an action-packed meeting to start the year.

Our prepared speeches were from a mix of new and experienced members, with Pam getting us off to a start with a speech on that little-talked about subject known as Brexit, then we were followed by Nick, who gave his first speech and then club President John gave a fun speech about New Year’s resolutions.

David then took the chair for the topics session where our members and, encouragingly, our guests, spoke on a wide range of topics where they shared things like their goals for 2019, and their cooking prowess!

Our next meeting is on February 11th, and all are welcome to come along!

Happy New Year!

The beginning of a new year is a time of reflection for everyone, who sit and think “what kind of year did I have?”

For us at Liverpool Speakers, 2018 was a very good year. We’ve had a year of successful meetings, listened to some great speeches and heard some very entertaining impromptu speeches. We’ve grown as a club, having added several new members throughout the year.

The club has also been very well represented in the ASC contests. Club Vice-President John got to the national finals for the Topics and Evaluation contests, and Matt has qualified for the district Speech competition.

But the beginning of a new year is also a time to look forward. After all, what is a resolution if not a wish for the year ahead?

So, what does the year ahead hold in store for Liverpool Speakers Club?

Well, we want to build on the work we did in 2018, and then some more! We want to grow further as a club, develop more speakers and get more people involved in some of the club roles.

We also want to vary our meetings, adding in some special nights for debating, reading and anything else we can think of.

We also want to engage more with both the wider ASC community and with others. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions then please let us know. You can get in touch via social media or through this website.

We also want to wish all of you a very happy, healthy and successful new year, and we hope to see you all at a meeting sometime this year!

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