Virtual Meeting!

Liverpool Speakers Club has been meeting since 1962, but never like this! As we aren’t able to meet up in person for the time being, we decided the next best thing to do is meet up online.

This first meeting was just a catch-up, and a test of the technology to see if it’s feasible to hold meetings via Zoom.

We then had a quick topics session, where our members discussed what they’ve been up to during the lockdown, which has ranged from working on the front line of nursing, participating in hackathons to help find a technical solution to the effects of the virus on society all the way to kicking a ball around the garden and playing a lot of FIFA!

Our next meeting will be on May 4th. Guests are still welcome so please get in touch if you want to join us then!

We carry on!

Due to Covid-19 and the necessary social distancing measures that are in place, the club cannot meet as normal for the time being.

But, that doesn’t mean we can’t meet at all.

For the first time in the 58-year history of the club, we will be having an online meeting on Monday April 20th at 8pm.

Our first meeting will be a short topics session just to test the technology and to see how we need to adapt our meetings to the change in circumstances.

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