Welcome to 2023!

Happy new Year everyone!

2022 was a good year for Liverpool Speakers Club. We were faced with several challenges at the start of the year. It was our fist full year of being able to meet up after the pandemic. We have changed our regular meeting day from a Monday to a Wednesday, and it took some time for us to re-adjust as that wasn’t suitable for all members.

However, we’ve managed to regroup, pick up some new members who have been excellent additions to the club, and we feel that we’ve got some momentum going into the new year which we are very eager to build upon. We have also altered our membership fee structure, which we believe is far more suitable than our old way to face down the cost of living crisis.

We were also active in the wider speakers club community. We welcomed some members from Stockport Ladybrook and Manchester Peterloo to our meetings in 2022 as well as Area President Claire Tunnicliffe and District President Ann Bouget. We were delighted to be able to return the favour with David, our education director, acting as a judge in Stockport Ladybrook’s evaluation contest. Our members also fared well in area and district competitions this year.

Now that we feel as though we have adjusted to a new meeting day, we have some big plans for 2023. We want to focus on constantly changing up the format of the meetings, re-emphasise education and development of our members, not just in terms of speaking but we can teach critical evaluation and how to chair meetings.

We also want to develop the social side of the club to make it feel like a community.

In short, we have a lot of ideas for this year, so watch this space! We would love for you to be a part of it, so please feel free to come along to one of our meetings any time.

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